

The CIMeC - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences is an interdisciplinary research and teaching center in the Cognitive Neuroscience field, located in Rovereto (TN) Italy. Its international faculty and members comprise researchers from several departments including Psychology and Cognitive Science, Physics, Mathematics, Information Engineering and Computer Science, Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology. 

The CIMeC has been ranked as the leading Cognitive Neuroscience research unit in Italy (ANVUR, 2017), and its faculty have won several highly competitive international grants. including European Research Council (ERC) grants. 

The Center is responsible for a Master’s and Ph.D. program and enjoys success in placement of graduates of both programs. This is due to a strong emphasis on empirical work throughout the student’s formation stages. 

CIMeC researchers are also strongly embedded in the local community, presenting ongoing work as well as background lectures in diverse occasions throughout the year.
A full textual and video description of CIMeC.

CIMeC’s researchers study brain organization via the analysis of its functional, structural and psychological characteristics, in both normal and pathological conditions. 

The CIMeC is organized in five formal structures defined as Facilities (For further information see the main menu "Research Facilities") in addition to collaborative Laboratories. In order to investigate the neural correlates of behavior the Center makes use of state-of-the-art neuroimaging and neurobiological methodologies. 

In addition, the CeRiN - Center for Neurocognitive Rehabilitation specializes in the study of clinical cases.

CIMeC belongs to the young, vibrant academic community of the University of Trento, a medium-sized university that stands at the top of her category for the quality of research.


Created by valeria.nencini. Last Modification: Wednesday 04 of October, 2023 10:03:22 CEST by valeria.nencini.