

This guide is dedicated to newly recruited academic and non-academic personnel for general information about all the main administrative steps required to smoothly integrate in CIMeC’s territory and information tips to profit from the many opportunities provided by the University of Trento and by local institutions to enjoy your living in the area.

CIMeC’s territory
CIMeC is located in Rovereto (TN), a pleasant small town with a rich cultural life and historical/artistic heritage immersed in the beautiful mountainous landscape of the Province of Trento.
Cultural, touristic and geographic information about Rovereto, nearby Trento, their region (Trentino – Alto-Adige) and Italy in general can be found here.

Welcome offices for new arrivals
For basic information and support for procedures related to civil registry, health insurance card, Stay Permit procedure, retreat issues, fiscal code etc. the newly recruited CIMeC personnel may refer to Rovereto’s international welcome office which, for some of these services, will redirect them to the University’s main welcome office for the personnel. Hereafter we provide general key tips for the most important of these services.

Entering and staying permits
For administrative procedures to legally enter and reside in Italy refer to Rovereto’s international welcome office . See the University pages for some general information on Stay-Permit and residence, visa and bringing your family in Italy.

In general, the University of Trento does not provide accommodation service for private apartments, but Rovereto’s international welcome office may provide support for initial accommodation, including a limited number of places in the University’s guest houses. Useful links for apartment search in the area may be found in the international student accommodation page.

Health services
Italy’s healthcare system is provided to all citizens and residents by a mixed public-private system. The public part is the national health service, Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN), which is organized under the Ministry of Health and is administered on a regional basis. Family doctors are entirely paid by the SSN. Citizens of the European Union (EU) benefit covering of all the basic healthcare expenses if they get the European Health Insurance Card from their home country. For further information for EU citizens, see here. Non-EU citizens must be covered by health insurance. Support for this will be provided by the welcome offices. See here for further information.

Education services
Education in Italy is mostly public and free of charge. Children may be enrolled in public schools in any time of the year. Rovereto’s international welcome office provides orientation and support for schooling of the children of their employees in local educational institutions. Moreover, the University of Trento hosts a nursery for its employees.

Italian Tax code
The Italian tax code (“codice fiscale”) is a code based on the personal data and is needed to pay of the accommodation monthly rent, to open a bank account, to enrol in the National Health Service and to get a sim for a mobile phone number, etc. The tax code is issued once in your life by the Agenzia delle Entrate and is the only one with legal validity. You can obtain it here.

Leisure and sport at the University of Trento
The University of Trento has a recreation facility (page in Italian) dedicated to its employees for doing sport, taking part in cultural events and touristic trips in the region. It also hosts a University sport center for performing a wide range of sports, both indoor and in the beautiful outskirts of Trento and Rovereto, at low cost.

Created by matteo.giovannelli. Last Modification: Friday 11 of November, 2022 14:02:38 CET by valeria.nencini.