
Saving and retrieving MEG data

Starting from January 2016 MEG data are automatically saved on a network storage. In order to be able to get you data quickly and by yourself please follow these guidelines.


Rules for saving data on MEG console

Before starting the experiment, in the acquisition control window press "change" to select your project name (e.g. "moebius"). Then press the second "change" to fill up the "subject" field: insert the Ethical Committee project code (e.g. 2014-005) using the year as "Last" field (e. g. 2014) and the number of the project as "First" field (e. g. 005). You can find the Ethical Commitee code of you project on this page: https://apps.cimec.unitn.it/cis/projects.php?lang=en. The date of birth is mandatory for Elekta system, so put a random date in there to be able to continue.

After the experiment choose the name of the "fif" file accordind to the following convention (you'll find a copy of the convention also printed in the lab):

WARNING: follow carefully the convention otherwise you will not find your data on the MEG data storage.


How to retrieve data from MEG data storage

All datasets acquired within the day are automatically sent to the MEG raw data storage during the night at 3 am. Therefore you can find your data the day after the acquisition on this network location:


where blue marked fields are to be changed according to the above convention. So, as an example:


If prompted for a username and a password use your UNITN credentials.

If you (really) need you data urgenlty you can ask staff to trigger a synchronization for you.

If you don't find your data on the storage

If the day after the experiment you don't find you data probably you made some mistakes in naming the datasets "fif" files. In this case you have to change datasets file names by hand on the MEG console an then trigger a new synchronization.

To change datasets file name open a shell on the MEG console and navigate to the local dataset repository (no we use just the above example data):

cd /neuro/data/sinuhe/moebius/2014_005/150105/

now change each "fif" file name according to the above convention. By the way the Linux command to change a file name is

mv oldFileName newFileName

Now you can wait for the next night synchronization or ask staff to trigger a new synchronization for you as explained above.

If you are still in trouble after following these guidelines you can contact the MEG personnel.

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Created by davide.tabarelli. Last Modification: Wednesday 08 of February, 2023 15:16:19 CET by matteo.giovannelli.