
Access-enabled users may use the holding spaces (cages, tanks, etc.) and the laboratory and/or instrumentation rooms of the ACN Animal Care Facility.

Animal housing, used for both experimental and breeding purposes only, is not subject to reservation and is available up to the limit of the enclosure.

Housings are divided into:

A.  cages: suitable for housing birds, after hatching, and rodents, from birth;

B.  tanks: suitable for accommodating fish, after hatching;

C.  hatching drawers and egg vault baskets: suitable for eggs during the embryonic development phase (early and late stages).

The use of the housings incurs an operating cost, which will be charged from the first actual day of use (if the use of these housings is limited to a fraction of time less than 6 hours, there is no charge). For the calculation of the costs of individual housing use, please refer to the calculation-method manual.

The daily occupancy of the housings used (for all species authorised for breeding and experimental use in the ACN enclosure) is counted daily by the Facility Manager, which communicates them to PIs.

The laboratory rooms and/or the instruments of the ACN Animal Care Facility can be used only by reservation. For details, see the ACN Labs Access Rules


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Created by matteo.giovannelli. Last Modification: Thursday 08 of June, 2023 10:54:02 CEST by matteo.giovannelli.