Open Access Publications

If you are currently submitting a manuscript to an open access journal and you are requested to pay an article processing fee, there are funding and / or discount opportunities from UniTrento. Please, first check whether your target journal is mentioned in UniTrento list of agreements

Agreements and discounts may vary and official web pages may not be up-to-date.
The rule of thumb is to check (eg. write an email on topic) with the editors to see whether are there further opportunities.

For any questions or concerns, please contact (Vittorio Iacovella).

List of UniTrento Agreements

Check if the cost of the publication might be covered by a university agreement with the publisher on the UniTrento webpage. This webpage is periodically updated. For each agreement, there is mentioned the period of validity. UniTrento webpage enumerates the latest national agreements, including ACS (American Chemical Society), Cambridge University Press - CUP, De Gruyter, Emerald, Springer and Wiley.

Elsevier 2023 – 2027 CRUI (Conferenza Rettori Università Italiane) Agreement 

(N.B. as of February 2024, UniTrento institutional page does not mention this agreement which is in any case officially in place).

Elsevier and CRUI Consortium have established an agreement to fully support authors in Italy who wish to publish open access. The cost of publishing open access is fully covered under the terms of this agreement.  When publishing open access in hybrid journals and fully gold open access journals, eligible corresponding authors do not have to pay an article publishing charge (APC).
Further details on the process can be found on the Agreement official web page, including the process and all the covered journals.

Further information 

The definition of open access to a contribution according to Berlin Declaration (2003) includes:

  1. free, irrevocable access granted to everyone worldwide, with a license to copy and re-use subject to proper attribution of authorship;
  2. depositing a copy of the contribution in an online archive maintained by istitutions that seek to enable open access

This two-step definition allows open access to be implemented in many ways or "roads".

  • Green Road to Open Access
    Authors deposit their contribution in an open repository (including UniTrento- IRIS) free of charge. According to the publishers' rules, the uploaded text can be a pre-print (non-refereed article), a postprint (refereed article without editorial layout) or an editorial version (including editorial layout).
    Strong points: Free, easy to implement
    Weak points: Embargo period sometimes not supported by the funding agencies, access might be limited to the postprint (no editorial version)
  • Gold Road to Open Access
    Authors make their contributions available in open access by publishing them in initiatives granting the access to everyone. Such initiatives usually ask for a fee to the author: the so-called APCs (Article Processing Charges): in this case the publication will be immediately accessible online in its editorial version. No embargo can be applied if the APCs have been paid. The gold road can be of two types:
    1. Gold Open access journals that are free to the public but with a co-payment of editorial and publication costs. The journal is completely open access
    2. Paid commercial (hybrid) journals: the journal does not grant open access by default. However, contributions could be opened under a paid option
    ​​​Strong points: No embargo period, open access to final (editorial) version
    Weak Points: Usually expensive

Think - Check - Submit

UNITN suggests to the authors to follow a Think - Check - Submit procedure when submitting contributions to journals:

  1. Think: when you browse and select the journal mainly according to scientific features (e.g.: does the journal fit with the topic of my contribution, is the journal trusted, etc)
  2. Check: use online resources to verify the open access policies of the journal (e.g.: is the journal's open access policy compatible with the one of my funding agency? Are there any Article Processing Charges? Which open access roads could I pursue, etc.)
  3. Submit: proceed to the submission

To check for Open Access policies, you can refer to: