IRIS Publications


Every year, CIMeC Facility Managers are asked to compile a report with the activities run by the users of the Facility, the report includes statistics about the publications obtained thanks to the Facility services. To facilitate this task, CIMeC PI/post-doc/PhD is asked to annotate in IRIS the information about the Facility/ies used for his/her publication. 
The information about the Facilities should be provided when a new publication is inserted in IRIS by using the field Bibliographic notes (it is among the fields in the 3rd step of IRIS form after  Abstract and Keywords).

Please, use the following labels

LNiF-MRI (Magnetic Resonance Lab/Laboratorio di immagini di risonanza magnetica), 
LNiF-MEG (Magnetoencephalography Lab/Laboratorio di Magnetoencefalografia), 
LNiF-TBS (Transcranial Brain Stimulation Lab/Laboratorio di stimolazione transcranica cerebrale ).

EPL (Experimental Psychology/Laboratori di Psicologia Sperimentale).
ACN (Animal Cognition and Comparative Neuroscience/Laboratorio di cognizione animale e neuroscienze).
CLIC (Language, Interaction and Computation Laboratory/Laboratori di Language, Interaction and Computation).
CeRIN (Center for Neurocognitive Rehabilitation/Centro di Riabilitazione Neurocognitiva).

If you have to use more than one label, separate them with a semicolon (;) e.g., LNiF-MRI; LNiF-MEG.

The labels above should be used if, to carry out the work that led to the paper, the authors have taken advantage of any resources of the Facility (technical and scientific support, cost center, any equipment, space, as well as participants to the study).

If none of the above holds, please, use the label External.