Welcome to the EEG analysis Wiki

The overall goal of the present tutorial is to provide the basic information needed for the acquisition and analysis of electroencephalographic (EEG) data.

We will deal with the following topics:

We will provide a systematic guidance, with practical examples, on how to use EEGLAB and FieldTrip, two of the most widely used software packages written in Matlab and designed specifically for analyzing EEG/MEG data.

The tutorial is written primarily for users that are new to EEGLAB and FieldTrip. However, prior knowledge of Matlab is assumed.

Important disclaimer (please, read carefully)

Like any other tutorial, the present tutorial is neither exhaustive, nor a substitute for specialized lectures/textbooks/papers. Each step in the analysis pipeline requires making some choices that depend not only on the specific application, but also on personal preferences. For instance, some researchers prefer using ERPLAB, an EEGLAB plug-in, for the analysis of event-related potentials (ERPs). Other researchers prefer using statistical software packages, such as R or SPSS, to evaluate differences between experimental conditions. In some labs, the ocular artifacts are rejected and not corrected using ICA (independent component analysis).  In other labs, bad channels are not interpolated. It is worth underlining that even the order of pre-processing steps may vary from laboratory to laboratory (for details, visit the following webpage https://erpinfo.org/order-of-steps/).

In general, we suggest reviewing books, papers, and any other sources relevant to your research topic, and we recommend using those sources as a reference for your analysis. If you are a beginner, ask advice from your tutor or collaborators.