In order to commence a study in the ACN Animal Care Facility, it is necessary to meet all criteria for access to the CIMeC Facilities.

The use of domesticated species in the ACN Animal Care Facility is subject to an authorisation request to the Ministry of Health after an opinion issued by the Animal Welfare Body (OPBA). This authorisation must be reviewed and amended by the Ministry of Health each time new staff are involved in a project.

Project managers authorized by the Ministry of Health must contact the Animal Welfare Manager and the Designed Veterinary to verify the required skills before requesting changes to an authorized project.

Please note that the Ministerial Authorization refers to:

a.  Non-human live vertebrate animals, including:

      • larval forms capable of eating independently;

      • fetal forms of mammals from the final third of their normal embryonic development.

b.  Living cephalopods.

The manipulation for scientific purposes of non-human live animals present in Annex I of Legislative Decree no. 26/2014 requires the possession of the detailed training requirements in D.M. of 5.8.2021 and D.Direttoriale of 23.3.2022 (both Decrees are accessible from the Wiki page ACN - Animal Care Facility). The Research Project Manager transmits to the OPBA the possession of the training requirements of the relevant staff in the manner established by the aforementioned D.Direttoriale, along with valid credentials relating to requests for access of users, in CLARA.


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