Access rules and mandatory training

To access the Facility's resources, new Users are required to complete the guided registration procedure available on the CLARA platform. The procedure allows for the verification of training and medical suitability requirements needed to access the facility.

For all Users, the registration procedure requires certifications of training in Health and Safety in the Workplace, as provided by UNITN or another certifying body, which must be uploaded to CLARA. UNITN provides the required training modules on-demand:

• "Workplace Health and Safety Course - General", with a certificate of unlimited validity:

for teachers, researchers and research fellows

for PhD students and students

• "Security course - medium risk", with a certificate valid for five years:

Users will be contacted by the Office to sign up for the course.

Users are also required to complete and upload to CLARA the form for any specific risks (risk detection form). Contact with bees, murids, chemical substances or dangerous biological agents, even for short periods of time, requires an individual medical suitability assessment ordered by the Office.

The certificate of completed training, signed by the PI, is also required.

It should be noted that Users who intend to carry out procedures on live animal species affected by Legislative Decree 26/2014 (vertebrates and cephalopods, excluding embryos sacrificed before birth or hatching) have to follow a specific and mandatory training course, as established by the " training decree” (Ministerial Decree of 08.05.2021) and subsequent Directorial note (Dir. Decree of 03.23.2022). The required training is detailed in point 5.1 of these Regulations. Independent access to laboratory resources intended for the use of live animals for scientific purposes is granted only to structured Users (PhD students, research fellows, researchers, first- and second-level professors) in possession of the aforementioned educational qualifications and assigned to a scientific project authorized by the Ministry.

Similarly, autonomous access to MOGM - BSL2 facilities is granted to Researchers holding MOGM employment authorization in a coherent risk class and, upon request, to collaborators and students whose training has been certified by the Holder. Access to the MOGM-BSL2 facility housed inside the rodent enclosure requires specific training by the Manager of the Facility Enclosure.

Upon completion of the registration procedure, authorized Users will receive a special badge to access the places of interest. In the event of loss or theft, as well as in the event of malfunctions, please promptly contact the Staff.

Persons unrelated to the research activity will be able to access the laboratories only if accompanied by an authorized member. Inexperienced Users and External Users must always be accompanied by an Expert User of the Facility.

Adherence to suitable behavior is required, as detailed in the operating notes.

1. Specific training for the use of animals for scientific purposes

The Ministerial Decree of 5 August, 2021, establishes the mandatory minimum training required for the use of animals for scientific purposes, as identified by Legislative Decree 26/2014. Specific training courses are identified according to the functions performed, distinguishing: A) implementation of procedures on animals (execution of experiments, project participants); conception of procedures and projects (Research Project Manager); C) animal care; D) sacrificing of animals. The minimum mandatory training includes:

i. Completion of the "Theoretical basic course to perform functions A, B, C and D for mice (Mus musculus), rats (Rattus norvegicus), fish (Danio rerio, Oryzias latipes, Xenotoca eiseni, Taxotes jaculatrix, Astyanax mexicanus and Phreatichthys andruzzii), clawed frogs (Xenopus spp) and domestic chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) according to the D.M. August 5, 2021.”

Each user will have to identify, together with the reference PI, the species for which training is required, as well as the function/s that he/she will perform in the experimental project (A, B, C or D, as per art. 23, paragraph 2 , of the Ministerial Decree of August 5, 2021), limiting the mandatory modules to be completed within the course.

The course takes place on-demand remotely, with a final multiple-choice learning test. At the end of the course, a certificate of successful training will be issued in PDF format, including the wording of the successfully completed modules.

To access the course, contact the organizing secretariat:

Secretariat Body in charge of Animal Welfare
Coordination of functions
Phone: 0461 281203
certified email:

ii. At the end of the theoretical basic course, in order to carry out functions A, C and D, the completion of the "Practical course on basic biology, humanitarian methods of sacrifice and minimally invasive procedures without anesthesia in the following animal models is required: domestic chicken chick ( Gallus gallus domesticus), teleost fish (Danio rerio, Xenotoca eiseni, Taxotes jaculatrix, Astyanax mexicanus and Phreatichthys andruzzii), mouse (Mus musculus) and rat (Rattus norvegicus). Modules 3.2, 6.2 and 8 D.M. 5 August 2021”, limited to the species and functions of interest.

The course takes place in the CIMeC ACN animal enclosure. At the end of the course, acquisition of the required skills will be ascertained and a certificate of successful training would be issued.

To access the course, contact the organizing secretariat:

CIMeC Secretariat
Contact: Dr. Sabrina Adamoli
Telephone: 0461 283082

iii. At the end of the practical basic course, the user who intends to perform functions A, C and D must complete a practical internship lasting at least 3 months, carried out at the ACN laboratories of CIMeC under the supervision of the RBA and the VET, until the user demonstrates possession of the required skills.

At the end of the training course, the body in charge of animal welfare (OPBA of Trento) records the training in the skills booklet of the personnel who carry out functions A, C and D (based on the provisions of art. 2, paragraph 1, letter r of the Ministerial Decree of August 5, 2021).


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